Welcome to Thrive Relationship Coaching.

Welcome to the financial and sexual wellness coaching program. I built this after spending years working in the clinical mental health field and feeling it just isn’t’ cutting it. With constant barriers and restrictions, I found couples and individuals not getting the results they needed. This has been a labor of love. I am passionate about the topics of financial and sexual wellness, as I saw too often these as the barriers to happiness and fulfillment. 
I was clinically trained as a therapist and worked in the clinical field for years. I have additional training in sex therapy and financial therapy. With a combination of my clinical background, core understanding of finances and sex, coupled with my direct and honest approach with individuals and couples I have found coaching to be more successful. My hope is to create a non-judgmental environment, that is a safe space to be open and honest. I believe my job is to help get you to where you want to be, and I Will give feedback to you that would be helpful for forward progress. 