Affair Recovery that works!

Affairs can be devastating. It shakes the foundation of a relationship, and create a sense of betrayal trauma. We all have ideas around affairs, recovery, values and morals, but when it happens to us we feel lost. The 7 step affair recovery program is made to guide you through the process without the uncertainty. Your relationship is an investment, are you ready to invest? 

What does this coaching program entail?

This program is both relational and content oriented. I offer one coaching session per week to go over the process and steps, This takes place via zoom, and can be done from anywhere. In between weekly sessions, expect to complete “homework” and process oriented worksheets. I will ask tha you email me the completed forms prior to session to go over everything prior to our next session. My goal is to ensure you feel certain of what to do to heal and repair your relationship. Affairs can be devastating, but they don’t have to be the end of the relationship. Many couples feel stronger and healthier after this affair recovery program. 

What makes this program so special?

I spent years working in the mental health field helping couples navigate affair recovery. I have training in betrayl trauma and sex related challenges. And yet time and time again I witnessed couples frustrated feeling confused and uncertain about their future. Anecdotally I found that the couples that wanted to follow a structure in the recovery were more successful and had happier outcomes. So I went on a search for a way that I could help more couples be more successful in healing their relationship. When I came across the infidelity recovery program I was skeptical at first. After all, there are so many programs that promise a positive outcome. But after going through this program I realized one of the biggest factors that made this program work and traditional mental health therapy ineffective at times. It’s the structure of the program and the willingness to invest in the repair of the relationship. 
This program will help you understand the affair type which can lead to clarity and understanding of prevention in the future. This program guides you through apology, understanding, forgiveness, re-engaging in sexual intimacy and moving forward. It builds from multiple theories including attachment, and communication strategies. 
Who is a good fit for this program:
This program is encompassing, but it isn’t right for everyone. For those that want to work through significant trauma and feel they want to engage in a diagnosis model isn’t a good fit. This program is evidence based, and works for those motivated to heal and repair. 
Let’s talk money. This program is pricey. I know it won’t’ work for everyone. I have seen couples spend thousands for therapy over years and end with some basic knowledge but still not feeling like they had the healing they were hoping for. Affair recovery is an investment. Your relationship is based on it. Consider this payment as an investment for your future to getting and maintaining a happy, healthy partnership. 

Find healing, clarity and peace with affair recovery.  


Unsure how to move forward to the passionate, fun sex life you wanted or once had.
Sexual coaching may be the step you need in order to achieve your most fulfilling sex life. 

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”


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